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Rick Simpson Oil

How to Make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

1. Begin with a high quality Indica strain of cannabis

As always in any participation you personally have with cannabis, the amount is relative to what you perceive while choosing your strain and amount you want to use.

Highest advantage is utilized when you use what your body tells you is satisfactory…not based on what someone else uses.

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2. Place your agreed upon amount of dried cannabis and cover it with grain alcohol in a glass jar.

(It’s believed that Indica cannabis strains make the best and most effective RSO, because of its sedative qualities)

Let the mixture set for as long as you have, and even start others you can leave soaking longer for maximum strength.

Approx. 80% of the cannabis will dissolve in this mixture.

I would suggest starting with a smaller amount, learning more and more each time which ways work best for you; and meanwhile, you have other jars of cannabis and grain alcohol relaxing and releasing crystals into the carrier which is the alcohol.

I have been experimenting with leaving the jars in the refrigerator for “chilled” resting time and some in a closed cabinet as well as a few on my window sill.

I don’t really know that it matters, but the journey of discovery is rather fun and interesting!

*Break up any larger chunks of cannabis with your wooden spoon before you add the grain alcohol.

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3. Drain the solvent from the dissolved cannabis using a cheesecloth.

Transfer the cannabis to a bowl and let it sit for about a minute. *Coffee filters can also be used.
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4. Drain the solvent from the cannabis again using the cheesecloth.

When your plant material is completely separated, set aside. (I simply must share that while most suggest throwing this matter away, in my personal experience…there is much more to be done.

Stay in touch with us to discover what other benefits we have considered.)

Pour your drained alcohol into the bucket with the rest of your solvent.

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5. Set up a rice cooker or other heated cooker, in a well-ventilated area. .

Fumes may emit from the rice cooker as the solvent is dissolved. Because the alcohol is highly combustible, avoid any and all flames, stovetops, sparks, and cigarettes while you’re heating the solvent. It is recommended that you use a fan to blow the fumes from the solvent. Solvent fumes are heavier than air, so will otherwise collect on your countertop and are highly flammable. (There are many other variations of heating that can be used…you will find the best one for you.)
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6. Transfer your filtered alcohol into the cooking device. 

Carefully monitor the temperature as the alcohol begins to simmer and evaporate, keeping it between 210–230 °F (99–110 °C).[7] * Be careful to not let mixture heat to over 300 °F (149 °C), the cannabis will burn and become unusable.

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7. Slowly simmer the mixture, monitoring the temperature.

It will soon begin to reduce.

As the alcohol evaporates, you will be left with a very concentrated and potent oil, with a consistency similar to maple syrup.

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8. When the alcohol is completely evaporated...

and you are left with the oil, you can fill empty syringes for easy storage and dispensing of the dosages.
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Note: RSO has many uses. It can be used alone for ingesting, and can also be used to infuse butter, oil, lotions, etc.

We highly recommend learning as much about Rick Simpson Oil as possible. It has a fascinating history.